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 Cargo Declarations 

Carriers must ensure their shipment declarations are true, accurate and complete.  Customs has many tools they can use to verify shipment declarations from reviewing the importer's or customs broker's import declaration, looking into previous shipment declarations, inspecting the shipment using VACIS equipment, to physically inspecting the cargo etc.  Inaccurate or incomplete declarations may lead to customs examinations, out-turns and customs penalties.  Piece counts are to based on the smallest external packaging unit(s) and cargo descriptions should accurately describe the cargo.  The description should be in plain language and detailed enough to allow customs to identify the size, shape and characteristics of the cargo.  In many instances documentation provided to the carrier by the shipper may be inadequate especially when the documentation only provides vendor skews, part numbers or industry jargon.  Shipper, consignee's, delivery addresses should also be based on documentary evidence (primarily the bill of lading supported by other documentation) which may not necessarily be the same as the information which may be in your dispatch system.  In conclusion drivers and carriers must know what and declare what is on their trucks and know there are strategies carriers can use to improve their declarations.  eManifest Express can assist carriers in reviewing their declarations and developing compliance strategies.  Contact Us to discuss your requirements.


Record Keeping & Compliance

Every International Highway Carrier has a number of mandatory obligations ranging from submitting True, Accurate and Complete Manifests to maintaining adequate books and records related to their shipment and manifest declarations.  CBP has published a Record Keeping Informed Compliance Guideline and CBSA's has created a Requirements by Client Type web page to assist carriers.  The list or requirements can be extensive and CSA, FAST, CTPAT and PIP carriers have additional responsibilities. There are a host of record keeping requirements related to books and records, proof of report and proof of release, In-Bond shipments, seals etc.  CBSA also requires carriers to maintain records related to the ACI submission / transmission, changes, corrections, and acknowledgements received from CBSA. 


Prior Notice and ETA Compliance

Both CBP and CBSA have prior notice compliance requirements.  Carriers must ensue that their e-manifest has been accepted by CBP or CBSA for at least one hour prior to their reporting to the Primary Inspection Line. (Note: There are some exceptions to this requirement)  Carriers must also have the ability to monitor their ACI declarations to ensure any customs inquiries sent by CBSA through the eManifest system are addressed prior to the truck arriving to the border.  ACI business rules also require carriers to provide an accurate EDA / ETA and revise their EDA / ETA when they are going to be 30 minutes (or more) earlier or 8 hours later than their current EDA / ETA.  Carriers who fail to address inquires or fail to meet these requirements may be subject to refusal and / or penalties.  


eManifest Express can assist carriers in reviewing their processes, compliance levels and develop training & compliance programs designed to ensure you meet your customs obligations.  Please Contact Us to discuss your requirements. 



 Security trumps trade!  This is a new reality of international transportation.  Breaches in security, customs infractions and failing to participate in customs partnership programs may increase a carrier’s targeting score.  Higher scores will subject a carrier to increased inspections, delays and associated costs.  Carriers who participate in customs programs such as Customs Self Assessment (CSA), Customs Trade Partners Against Terrorism (CTPAT), Partners in Protection (PIP) and Free and Secure Trade (FAST) will incur fewer delays.

To participate in the CSA, PIP and / or CTPAT programs carriers must apply and are subject to initial and periodic validations.  These security programs are extensive and their tentacles reach into many areas of a carrier's business from personnel to operations and supply chain partners.  

eManifest Express can assist carriers in developing, applying for and reviewing your security programs.  Contact Us to discuss your requirements.



Carriers who fail to meet their customs obligations or a partnership program requirement may be subject to penalties, audits, verifications, action plans and even suspension from some programs.   Carriers can be subject to a variety of Canadian and US Customs Penalties.  Barry Frain of eManifest Express has had success in mitigating US Customs Penalties and appealing AMPS penalties and will assist carriers in mitigating their customs penalties and reviewing internal processes with the objective of developing proactive / preventative measures designed to prevent future incidents.  To obtain more information about eManifest Express consulting services please Contact Us