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The FAILED PARS process was initially created to allow carriers using the CSA EDI-LTL system to expedite the movement of their trucks from the border. The process allowed carriers to predetermine the sufferance warehouse location where the goods would be bonded to and declare it within the CSA - EDI LTL declaration. If the importer's release was not available when the truck reported to the border the customs system would automatically put the shipment in-bond to the port and sub-location declared on the manifest. The solution evolved to accommodate bonded carriers where carriers couldn't obtain a release at the border. The carriers could indicate the port and sublocation code of bonded warehouse they wanted the shipments to be bonded to on the the face of A8A cargo control manifest they would present to the Border Services Officer. The Border Services Officer would update the cargo information in the CBSA system based on the A8A.
On July 1st 2019 CBSA eliminated the requirement to present the A8A's at the Primary Inspection Line essentially eliminating the manual process. Today, it is not clear how the system works particularly since the functionality within the ACI program states "Future Use". Carriers have adapted their processes and are monitoring the statuses of their shipments and changing the port and sublocation codes if they have to place their shipments in-bond.
On the other hand it appears customs is using their multi-port processing capabilities to move the releases to the frontier port if between the time the carrier electronically sets the shipment up to go in-bond and the driver reports to the border the importer's declaration associated with the carrier's shipment is accepted. In these instances CBSA may not change the port and sublocation codes to the border and the shipments declarations will show up in the warehouse system. This may lead to tracing action by CBSA involving the warehouse operator and carriers should check their systems and amend their shipment declaration to the border where the release took place.
Carriers should also be aware that CBSA has published an ACI Addendum requiring carriers to ensure their in-bond shipments are properly coded (i.e. the sub-location code of the sufferance warehouse matches the port code for the warehouse) and will be introducing further restrictions where sufferance warehouses as of November 1st, 2020 will be required to send their sublocation code in their Warehouse Arrival Certification Message (WACM). Carriers and warehouse operators who don't comply with the new requirements may expect to encounter rejects and potential shipment release delays.