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International Carriers Who Use CBSA’s RNS “Declaration Accepted Awaiting Arrival of Goods” Message May Need to Change Their Processes



Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) introduced changes on March 5, 2017 which affected carriers’ abilities to receive the “Declaration Accepted Awaiting Arrival of Goods” messages from CBSA’s Release Notification System (RNS).  The messages will not be generated until the carriers Automated Commercial Information (ACI) shipment declaration has been accepted by CBSA and the cargo control number is matched to the importer / customs broker’s declaration.  Once the declarations are matched CBSA completes the processing of the importer’s / customs broker’s declaration it will send out ACI and RNS messages.  Carriers who use this message to plan or load their trailers may need to change their processes to ensure the ACI shipment declarations are created and accepted as early as possible if the use these shipment status messages to plan or load their trailers.

Please note, CBSA intends to sunset the RNS system (no date has been set) and has created a new ACI messages designed to improve a carrier’s visibility.  Carriers will be able to use the matched message, entry linked in ACI along with the RNS Declaration Accepted to determine if a customs declaration has been submitted by the importer or customs broker.  This information is available within the Trade Documents Tab within the ACI Portal and through EDI.  Carriers who don’t have this capability may need to work with their service providers to obtain the ACI messages related to the D4 drop of Chapter 11 of the CBSA ACI ECCRD or can subscribe to our ACI eManifest service.