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CBSA Delays Implementation of Freight Forwarders Electronic House Bills

Posted 5/31/2017

Canada Border Services Published Customs Notice 17-15 on May 23, 2017 delaying the mandatory submission for electronic house bills for at least a year and a half.  Within the Customs Notice CBSA advised clients they are moving back into a period of voluntary compliance to provide CBSA time to fully test and implement the enhanced electronic house bill functionality.   The notice advised clients a new voluntary compliance period of at least a year would commence immediately followed up by period of informed compliance which would be announced at a later date.  CBSA also encourages freight forwarders to register for electronic notices including the Deconsolidation Notice to facilitate the movement & release of their shipments.  eManifest Express can provide freight forwarders with electronic notices including Deconsolidation Notice.   Contact us for additional information related to these services.