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CBP Announces In-Bond Enforcement Discretion

Posted 8/1/2018

U.S. Customs and Border Protection advised carriers in CSMS# 18-000466 they will not be fully implementing the in-bond arrival and export reporting mandate scheduled to become effective August 6, 2018.  CBP will continue to assisting Traders with in-bond arrival and exporting reporting as needed and will extend the reporting period from 2 business days to 4 business days.  Ports have been instructed to evaluate Trade's progress during the 6 month extension and at their discretion will be able to fully enforce the regulations for egregious violations or a lack of demonstration of good faith efforts.  Additionally CBP officers will continue to stamp or perforate a CBP Form 7512 in-bond verifying exportation at the request of a carrier.  For additional information see CSMS# 18-000466.