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  eManifest Express LogoeManifest Express Logo 


Features and Benefits



  • Live Canadian 24/7 eManifest support!  
  • Improved visibility of CBSA and CBP outages.
  • Improved shipment transparency by using data from multiple customs systems. 
  • Fast, intuitive and easy to use! 
  • Validations and warnings designed to reduce errors, improve productivity, flag potential customs infractions and improve CSA, C-TPAT & PIP compliance. 
  • Video training tutorials. 
  • Drivers can be kept in the loop by text messages or e-mails automatically sent to their phone!(1)
  • Automatic notification can be sent to drivers when a CFIA meat inspection is required.(2) 
  • ACE and ACI lead sheets may be printed, faxed or emailed from the eManifest Express system. 
  • A8A cargo control manifests can be printed, emailed or faxed from the eManifest Express system.  
  • A Single database for ACE and ACI declarations. 
  • Online reference information built into the system.  
  • Data is maintained indefinitely for tracing, compliance, audit and record keeping purposes.(3) 
  • No data storage limitations (i.e. shippers, consignees).(3)
  • Easily assign another carrier’s shipment to your ACI manifest.(4)
  • Continue to submit ACI & ACE Manifests when government systems and / or portals are not working.(5)
  • Create US IT, TE & IE Bonds.
  • Arrive, Export, Divert, and Transfer Liability on US shipment Bonds even at the Canadian Border!(6)
  • Query the status of US Bonds.
  • Determine subsequent entry numbers on some IT and T&E Bonds.
  • Query the status of any PARS shipment.
  • API Interface available to integrate the software to your dispatch system.


To learn more about the features & benefits or to arrange for a demonstration please contact us.

1) Drivers and / or a designated party are sent a message when an importer’s / customs broker’s declaration has been accepted by customs.

2) Drivers and / or a designated party is sent a message when a CFIA meat inspection is required.

3) Government Portals and some eManifest & dispatch systems have data retention (time & quantity) restrictions that can effect required audit trails.

4) This feature allows secondary carriers to declare a primary carriers Cargo Control Number. 

5) CBSA and CBP’s EDI systems automatically queue up eManifest declarations for processing once customs systems begin processing declarations.

6) Carriers who have subscribed to the US In-Bond functionality can set up In-Bond shipments to automatically arrive and export based on the arrival of the associated ACI trip.