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eManifest Software Pricing  




Up to 40 shipments / mo                Complementary   


Up to 50 shipments / mo                $ 39.95


Up to 75 Shipments / mo                $ 89.95


Up to 150 shipments / mo              $ 149.95


Up to 300 shipments / mo              $ 249.95


Up to 450 shipments / mo              $ 374.95


Up to 600 shipments / mo              $ 499.95


Up to 1500 shipments / mo            $ 649.95


Over 1500+ shipments / mo           $ 924.95


*** Note: Shipment totals are the sum of the unique U.S. Shipment Control Number (e.g. PAPS) and the Canadian Cargo Control Numbers (ex. PARS) in the ACE / ACI / RNS.  For example, an ACI eManifest with matching RNS message only counts as one shipment.